
Showing posts from September 26, 2010
Tajuk : Jadilah Wanita Yang Paling Bahagia Pengarang : Dr. Aidh Abdullah Al-Qarni Penerbit : Al-Hidayah Publishers ISBN : 983-099-621-2 Mukasurat : 303 Halaman Harga : RM19.80 Saudariku! Buku ini menghimbau kepada setiap wanita untuk hidup bahagia dengan agamanya, merasa senang dengan kurnia Allah yang telah dianugerahkan kepadanya, dan bergembira dengan berbagai nikmat yang telah dimilikinya. Saudariku! Bacalah buku ini agar ianya dapat mengusir segala macam kesedihan dari dalam dirimu, bayang-bayang kedukaan, dan mimpi-mimpi buruk, ketakutan dan kekhuatiran. Saudariku! Setelah anda selesai membaca buku ini, ucapkanlah selamat tinggal pada kesedihan, tinggalkan kegelisahan, hindarkan lorong-lorong kesengsaraan, dan jauhlah dari keputusasaan dan kegagalan. Marilah kembali ke jalan keimanan dengan melampiaskan kerinduan kita kepada Allah dan merasa puas dengan qadha dan qadarNya. Pada saat itu ands dipanggil oleh penyeru keimanan: "Andalah yang berada di atas gunung harapan dan lem...

Cara Download Melalui Youtube

YouTube Downloader 2.6.2 Software to download and convert YouTube video. Breaking News September 23 - 2.6.2 fixes downloading restricted videos from YouTube, and still works with YouTube after their July 21 website change. What is YouTube Downloader? YouTube Downloader is software that allows you to download videos from YouTube, Facebook, Google Video, Yahoo Video, and many others and convert them to other video formats. The program is easy to use, just specify the URL for the video you want to download and click the Ok button! It also allows you to convert downloaded videos for Ipod, Iphone, PSP, Cell Phone, Windows Media, XVid and MP3. You can use YouTube Downloader to download the videos of your choice from home, at the office or in school. Download YouTube Downloader now and get started downloading your favorite videos from YouTube. Enjoy! YouTube Downloader is FREE! You may use it as long as you wish, with no registration required. News: 9/23/2010 Version 2.6.2 fixes downloadi...

Operating systems

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Introduction To Operating System

TAJUK: INTRODUCTION TO OPERATING SYSTEM 1. Operating system history Example of operating system Operating system components Real-time operating system Hobby development PENERANGAN: Operating system Operating systems Common features Process management Interrupts Memory management File system Device drivers Networking (TCP/IP, UDP) Security (Process/Memory protection) I/O v • d • e An operating system ( OS ) is software , consisting of programs and data, that runs on computers and manages the computer hardware and provides common services for efficient execution of various application software . ( An operating system is a collection of programs that control a computer. ) For hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation , the operating system acts as an intermediary between application p...